You are currently viewing Augusts Seasonal Foods

August is here. Sunflower growing competitions between holidaying school children are underway, life is the most normal we’ve seen it in the last 18 months, and as usual – we’re all moaning about the Great British Summer weather.

As for what’s in season on British soul right now, heat-loving crops like tomatoes, cucumbers and chilies are in their prime now. Even aubergines and peppers, which are imported to the UK all year round, can be found growing in British greenhouses and veg gardens this month.

One of our favourite August home grown veg is sweetcorn – in our opinion, the plastic wrapped pre prepared cobs in the supermarkets are a total waste of time and toothpicks. If you aren’t growing your own, always buy them with their leafy husks still on – extra flavour, and keeps them fresher for longer.

Some of our August favourites ripe for the picking –

  • Beetroot – easy to grow, and so many varieties now available.
  • Carrots – if you can grow them straight, extra points for you, we can’t.
  • Courgettes and summer squash – top tip – don’t turn your back for a day or two, they’ll be HUGE.
  • Cucumbers
  • Lettuce and other salad leaves – another one to watch, keep picking the leaves, and don’t let them bolt, they’ll taste bitter.
  • Peas and mangetout – a great one for the kids
  • Peppers and chilies
  • Runner beans
  • Tomatoes – pick them first thing in the morning, otherwise they may split!
  • Spring onions
  • Sweetcorn

As for the fruits, now is the time for the berries – blackberries, blueberries and raspberries can be found in abundance, and if you’re lucky, some early apple varieties will be ready and you’ve got yourself a blackberry and apple pie waiting to be made.

Another August fruit to watch is the plum – don’t let those dang wasps get them all, harvest regularly.

So what would be on a Ross and Ross Events August Seasonal Wedding Breakfast Menu?


Cornish Crab Donuts

Pea & Mint Arancini

Haddock Smokie Tarts

Carrot, Halloumi & Coriander Balls


Courgette & Parmesan Tart, Shaved Fennel & Aleppo Pepper Salad (V)


Pan-fried Hake, Crispy Chicken Skin, Charred Cauliflower Steaks, Cauliflower Purée, Roasted Potatoes & Chive Oil (GF)


Lemon Tart & Raspberries

As always please remember we love to work with your ideas and favourite ingredients. As luxury wedding and event caterers, we can’t call ourselves bespoke unless we truly are. Bespoke to you and bespoke to the seasons, it’s the best way to be.